Organizations interested in evaluating their financial literacy programming are invited to access the Financial Literacy Outcome Evaluation Tool. The free tool provides a way for interested organizations to develop their own tailored evaluation plans.

The English tool can be found at:

The French tool can be found at:

The free tool benefits private, public and community-based organizations seeking to improve their financial literacy programming by:

  • providing a common set of evaluation metrics that can be used for any financial literacy initiative in Canada
  • making evaluation of financial literacy initiatives easier, more rigorous, and more likely
  • focusing funders and delivery organizations on shared, evidence-based outcomes and indicators
  • making it possible to compare the effectiveness of diverse financial literacy interventions to identify what works best and for whom
  • leveraging existing research evidence to strengthen current and future programs
  • laying a foundation for the future online collection and comparison of national outcomes data

Funded by the Canadian Bankers Association on behalf of banks in Canada, the tool was created through a collaboration with Prosper Canada, a national charity dedicated to expanding economic opportunity for Canadians living in poverty through program and policy innovation, and the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC).

Learn more about a free tool to help organizations evaluate their financial literacy programming financial literacy

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